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Fireproof Safes And Electrical Safety: How To Reduce Your Risk Of Winter Fires

Winter is already here and with it comes an increased risk for house fires. Holiday decorations, heating, and candles all contribute to an increased risk of fire during the winter season. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can reduce your risk of house fires and other hazards such as carbon monoxide poisoning and electrical fires this winter.

Be mindful of electrical outlets

During the winter months, you're going to be using your electrical outlets more often whether it's to give yourself more lighting now that the sun is setting by 5 PM or because you need an additional space heater to stay warm. Be sure that you're taking care not to overload your outlets. Electrical fires are the leading cause of home fires in the U.S. during the winter. 

Watch your candles

Power outages are all too common during the winter months as power lines get pummeled by wind, snow, and ice. Many families opt for using candles to light up their dark homes, but that's not necessarily a good idea. Too many candles can pose a fire hazard to your home, especially when they're not in your line of sight. This is also true when using candles for holiday purposes. Make sure your candles aren't anywhere near flammable things like curtains, blankets, and placemats. That said, also be mindful of your space heaters. A space heater is like a giant candle, which is why heating systems are the second most common cause of house fires during the winter. 

Don't forget to keep your valuables safe

You can reduce your risk of a house fire this season, but you can't always keep one from happening. Maybe an electrical outlet short-circuits or a blanket gets too close to a space heater. To keep your valuables and firearms safe in case of a fire, consider investing in a fireproof safe. Not all safes are fireproof, so it's important to keep in mind the fire ratings on the safe you choose. 

Looking for accessories for your safe this winter?

It's no secret there are plenty of floor safes and accompanying safe accessories you can use to keep your valuables and firearms secure. In fact, the safe and vault manufacturing industry brought in $494 million in revenue in 2017. Whether you're looking for fireproof safes or accessories for your safe, the Safe and Vault Store has what you need. To learn more about our safe accessories, laptop safes, and floor safes, contact the Safe and Vault Store today.

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