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Safely Store Gold and Silver at Home

 Safely Store Gold & Silver at Home

With inflation in a state of flux and hard to predict, the popularity of gold and precious metals continues to grow. Many people are turning to gold and silver for an added layer of economic security—these tend to retain their value even when the dollar weakens. For example, silver has industrial value, which makes it critical to emerging technology. 

If you are thinking about buying gold and silver, it’s crucial to consider how you will safely store these precious metals at home. Here are three tips to help you do so: 

Be discreet

This is not the time to boast to family and friends or the neighbors about your decision to store gold and silver at the house. No matter how much you trust the person, they may tell another person, and so on. The more people that know about your secret stash, the bigger a target you become. Keep the details to only those who need to know—your spouse, the executor of your will, or reliable individuals who would need to know where and how to access your precious metals in the event you were incapacitated. 

Store it safely

There are really only three ways to store your gold—at home, a bank's safe deposit box, or use a third-party storage facility.

Are you comfortable with how well you have fortified your home? If the answer is “no,” you may want to opt for storing more significant amounts of gold and silver off-site. Of course, you will still want to keep a manageable amount nearby in your home.

Invest in a high-security safe

The most important thing you can do to store precious metals at home safely is to invest in a high-security safe. This class of safe offers UL ratings of TL-15, TL-30, TL30X6, or TRTL30X6. And to earn one of these ratings means that the safe had to withstand a concentrated, severe attack by a UL technician using safe-cracking tools, power saws, drills, and even sledgehammers. A high-security safe is a huge deterrent to a thief; they won’t want to waste hours and have to use specialized tools to try to break in. And if you have it anchored to the floor, they will not be able to take it with them easily.

A high-security safe can offer you the ultimate protection of your precious metals and give you peace of mind. It’s a wise investment!



Choosing the right high-security safe to store precious metals at home doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With a little help from the Safe & Vault Store experts, you can find a safe to keep gold and silver secure in your own home.   

Please give one of our home-safe professionals a call at 800-207-2259 today! We are eager to help you find an affordable safe to meet your specific needs.


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