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Featured Safe of the Week: Hayman FS4000B Polyethylene In-Floor Safe

When it comes to security, there’s nothing more formidable than an in-floor safe. Discrete, easy to conceal, sturdy, and nearly impossible to move once it's in the concrete, an in-floor safe is a fantastic way to keep your most precious valuables safe for years to come. This week, our featured safe is the Hayman FS4000B Polyethylene In-Floor Safe, a sturdy in-floor safe that promises bulk, security, and outstanding performance.

The Hayman FS4000B Polyethylene In-Floor Safe

The Hayman FS4000B is every safe owner’s dream: large, built from quality materials, and easy to install, this simple yet secure safe offers uncompromising performance and dozens of convenient features. From its B-Rate burglar rating to its hefty 88 lb. weight, it’s clear that this safe intends to perform without compromises. Features:
  • External dimensions: 20.25" High x 21.75" Wide x 15.50" Deep
  • Internal dimensions: 17.00" High x 20.25" Wide x 13.25" Deep
  • Storage space: 2.64 interior cubic feet

Watch this video on the features of the Hayman FS4000B Polyethylene Floor Safe

Intuitive Design for Maximum Security

While you may not be familiar with polyethylene safes, the Hayman FS4000B offers a patented body that is both leak-resistant and rust-proof. Innovative and endlessly useful, this in-floor safe is one of the only such safes available for purchase today. The FS4000B’s standard door is equipped with ½” of solid steel (B-Rating). You can upgrade the door to 1" (C-Rating) or 1.5" thick solid steel for additional security. A simple, spring-enabled action makes the door incredibly easy to open and close. While other in-floor safes are built in such a way that they often slam the safe owner’s fingers between the safe frame and the door, the FS4000B opens smoothly and quietly.

Don’t let its easy action fool you, though – each door comes complete with a solid steel hinge bar to prevent thieves from prying the door open and breaking in. The safe also features a ¼” thick door collar that is bolted to the safe’s body on all 4 sides using specially hardened bolts. Additionally, this Hayman safe offers a drill-resistant hard plate and a built-in dual relocking system.

The lock comes standard with a UL Listed Group II S&G dial combination lock. Safe owners who desire ease of use can easily upgrade to a Securam digital lock for an additional cost.  Finally, the safe features a drill resistive hard-plate that helps stop would-be drill attacks in their tracks. These things combine to create a safe that offers unparalleled safety for your beloved valuables.

The Hayman FS4000B Polyethylene In-Floor Safe is Easy to Conceal

One of the greatest benefits of an in-floor safe is that they’re exceedingly easy to hide. This model comes complete with a steel plate cover that allows the safe to install so that it is flush with your home’s floors or carpets. Once installed, it’s easy to conceal the safe’s door with a piece of furniture or a simple area rug so that thieves will never know it’s there!

Intuitive Interior Design for Easy Storage

What’s the point of owning a safe if it’s impossible to use? Nobody wants to struggle to uncover the valuables they’ve stored in their safe and, often, a safe without ample interior storage space or organizational assistance winds up becoming a cluttered mess. Fortunately, the Hayman FS4000B features a series of built-in organizational features, including an interior filing system, storage shelves, and even a false floor for added security!

Whether you’re storing documents, electronics, coins, jewelry, or handguns, this safe offers a convenient configuration for every need. The safe also features carpeted floors so as not to damage or scrape any of your more delicate valuables.

Protection Against All Manner of Disasters

When you purchase a safe, it’s important to consider how well it will hold up against everything from burglary attempts to water damage. With the Hayman FS4000B, those concerns are a thing of the past.

This unique model offers protection against water damage, seepage, and burglary all at once, so you can rest assured knowing that your precious valuables, irreplaceable documents, heirloom jewelry, or other treasures are safe and secure.

Don’t Compromise Security – Get theHayman FS4000B Polyethylene In-Floor Safe

There’s nothing more important than your valuables and, when you purchase this in-floor safe, you’ll get a unique combination of safety, functionality, and customization. Whether you choose to install this safe in your home, office, or business, you’ll quickly find that everything about the Hayman FS4000B is easy to use.

Designed to fit flush with flooring or carpets, this unique safe is simple to conceal and equipped with some of the most formidable security options on the market. Perfect for storing small valuables of all types, the Hayman FS4000B Polyethylene In-Floor safe promises to blow your expectations out of the water time and time again.

Purchase this safe and see how easy securing your valuables can really be! If you have any questions about this safe or others, please call one of our safe experts at 800-207-2259 today! 
