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Expert Advice on Safes and Vault Doors

Your home is your fortress, and it’s where you keep your most valuable goods. It’s important that you keep those valuables protected in a home safe. It’s also important that you keep the safe hidden away from thieves and intruders. Here are some tips for finding creative ways to hide your safe in your home.
  • 2 min read
Hi, Dye the Safe Guy here, Dye Hawley, to talk about the Hayman Polyethylene floor safe model FS2300B. This is the mid-range floor safe in the Hayman Polyethylene line. This safe is 15" high by 18 1/2" wide and 15" deep. The Hayman FS2300B has 1.35 cubic feet of interior shelf space. 
  • 2 min read
Hi, Dye The Safe Guy here again with Safe and Vault Store.com Today were going to talk about floor safes. There are many types of floor safes. The first thing you want to understand is the fact that floor safes can be used for gold. platinum, silver, coins, jewelry.
We’ve already looked a myriad of different kinds of safes but one option that we haven’t touched on yet that remains a practical solution is the floor safe. In theory it’s quite similar to the wall safe but has some additional perks that may make it even more lucrative. The basic idea is to install a safe in your floor where it can be hidden from view but also easily accessible. Unlike the wall safe, however, there are a lot more options for a floor safe and additional perks that you may not know about. We’ll look at just how and why a floor safe can make a great addition to your home or business.
It would be easy for someone who can afford a floor safe to put one in their home or business. People who may need this would be someone who has something of great value like money, jewelry, or documents of some sort. In going through the hassle of buying and installing a hidden safe like this it is good to know whether it is worth it or not to invest in one. Is a floor safe really secure? T
When it comes to security, there’s nothing more formidable than an in-floor safe. Discrete, easy to conceal, sturdy, and nearly impossible to move once it's in the concrete, an in-floor safe is a fantastic way to keep your most precious valuables safe for years to come. This week, our featured safe is the Hayman FS4000B Polyethylene In-Floor Safe, a sturdy in-floor safe that promises bulk, security, and outstanding performance.
Obtaining a floor safe for your business is a good sound decision. It can provide maximum security for your valuables in the case of burglary or fire. It is out of sight, very hard to remove from the premises, and being in the floor it is not susceptible to flames.
Floor safes don't have options in them that are available in other types of safes. They usually aren't large like vaults and aren't durable like high-security safes which tend to survive through floods, fires, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. 
Recent developments by Hayman Safes have put an interesting polyethylene (plastic) floor safe on the market that seems to be shaking up the status quo. The big question is: how secure are these safes?
  • 2 min read
