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Expert Advice on Safes and Vault Doors

Handgun safes can be conveniently placed on a nightstand, attached to a desk, underneath a bed, or placed in your vehicle. What are the best pistol safes out there? Here are our top 10 picks based on quality, customer satisfaction, and reliability.
Hi, Dye the Safe Guy, Dye Hawley Sales Manager for Safe & Vault Store. Here today to talk about the Vaultek VT20i. This is a fantastic product. It weighs 7.5 pounds. As you can see it has a door that opens up to the back. It's spring loaded. The other feature about this that I really like is it has a not only a biometric lock as you can see me operating here, it also has a keypad to backup the biometric lock. And if all else fails, there is a key override right here as you can see.
