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Your Guide to Flood Safety and Preparedness

Your Guide to Flood Safety and Preparedness


Think your area is immune to floods? Think again. The sad reality is that floods have left devastation in their wake in all 50 states. Floods are the most common natural disaster—and the costliest—in the U.S.   

The numbers don’t lie…

Some sobering statistics on the hazardous impact of floods according to FEMA include:

  • Floods cause an average of $5 billion per year in total flood insurance claims
  • Result in approximately 100 deaths per year
  • 8 out of the 10 states that had the most flood-related Presidential disaster declarations were inland, not coastal (Arkansas suffered the worst; Kentucky, Iowa, Oklahoma, and Tennessee tied for second place)

So, what do these numbers tell us? That a flood can happen anytime, anywhere, to anyone. Therefore, now’s the time to think seriously about a flood safety plan and how to prepare your family. 

Prepare now to survive a flood

Flood safety and preparedness is the key to your survival. 

  • When under a flood warning, be quick to respond to evacuation orders from local government 
  • Do not walk, swim, or attempt to drive through floodwaters (one foot of moving water is enough to sweep your vehicle away)
  • Have a plan for your family (including pets) of what to do/where to go
  • Have a “go-bag” prepared for each family member   
  • Identify your flood risk area using the FEMA Flood Map (e.g., flash flooding, storm surge flooding zones)
  • Purchase/renew flood insurance
  • Protect your property—move furniture, rugs, electronics, and valuables to higher levels; shut off electricity at the breaker panel
  • Return home only when authorities say it is safe to do so

Source: ready.gov

Protect important documents

Your home safety plan should also include protecting essential documents and smaller valuables from flood damage. For example, waterproof safes and chests protect papers, documents, passports, CD/DVDs, digital drives, and more. A waterproof safe will withstand a flood or total immersion. Of course, in the event of a fire, a fireproof/waterproof safe provides you double protection—from fire damage and water damage from the water used to fight the fire. A waterproof chest conveniently allows you to store hanging file folders to keep everything organized as well as secure.   


 Think your area is immune to floods? Think again. The sad reality is that floods have left devastation in their wake in all 50 states. Floods are the most common natural disaster—and the costliest—in the U.S.


Another excellent option to protect your small valuables, firearms, ammunition or documents from being destroyed by flood water is a fire and water-resistant bag. These bags are designed to be used in a safe or file cabinet to extend the fire or water protection.  


Phoenix Safe LGL4W31 31" 4 Drawer Legal Size Fire File Cabinet


To protect your business or home office documents, which may require more space than a small safe, a smart investment would be a fire-rated and water-resistant file cabinet. This file cabinet style is available in multiple sizes to meet your exact needs and provide the highest level of protection from fire and water damage.    

We are here to help  

At the Safe and Vault Store, we have one goal: To provide our customers peace of mind in an uncertain world. We generously share tips and advice on implementing a home safety plan to protect your loved ones, your valuables, and your home.  

Give us a call today! Let us help you customize your home safety plan with just the right products to meet your family’s needs. Because preparing ahead of time is the best thing you can do in the present time.







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