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Expert Advice on Safes and Vault Doors

  • 3 min read
Modern electronics are quickly becoming smaller, more efficient, and more expensive. There may come a time soon when pound for pound your gadgets out value your gold and jewelry. While already a commonplace item for home and commercial safes, electronic equipment and gadgets require a few special considerations when being stored for extended periods of time. Here we’ll look at some of the basic techniques that you can use to make sure that your electronic equipment survives storage and retains its value and functionality.
Wall safes are a good investment for your business and even your home. There are many choices when it comes to wall safes. This article will cover some of your different options and the benefits behind each choice.
If you have ever come across a safe or vault and wondered what’s inside then you are like many others in being intrigued by the mystery behind cracking safes. Coming across an antique safe and cracking it to find “buried treasure” so to speak has spawned a niche within an industry,  safe cracking. Ask any safecracker and they will tell you it is an art form and they live for the sound of the “clink” of a successfully cracked safe. 
  • 2 min read
How does a little bit of safe-cracking history sound to you? Well, we have come across a really great story about Gentle Johnny, one of the most famous safe-crackers in the world! John Ramensky, was a Scottish war hero before he became a renowned safe-cracker. 
  • 2 min read
The older we get, the more items we acquire such as important documents, valuables, and family heirlooms. Many times, these items are just put under a bed, in a closet, or on a shelf somewhere. A fire can be a real threat to these items if they are not protected. Just recently my grandmother had a fire-safe installed in her home. Most of the very important documents that she was going to store in the safe were being stored in a cardboard box!
With the current state of the failing economy, more and more people are electing to find non-traditional modes of employment. This means that there are more people working from home, in small business or freelance positions than ever before. This means that there are more home offices in operation now than there have been ever before. 
Installing a home safe into your wall can be a fun home project that is manageable with a little bit of research and some do-it-yourself knowhow. Everyone secretly wants to have a sleek wall safe hidden behind a knock-off Van Gogh in their lounge or den and with this simple guide you can be on your way to a cool new approach to holding your valuables.   
  • 2 min read
Hidden Wall Safes provide hidden protection while giving you easy access to your money, jewelry, and other valuables. This type of safe frees up floor space while the safe itself is concealed from view, giving you more piece of mind knowing that your safe is hidden from plain sight. 
