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Expert Advice on Safes and Vault Doors

Since we did a run-down on burglar safe ratings, I thought it might be a good idea to do a rundown on fire-safe ratings. As with burglar ratings, the UL is THE authority for trustworthy ratings, although there are several other authorities that also provide ratings to a range of safes. Because of its prevalence and industry standard, we’re only going to look at UL ratings.  
Storing digital media is quickly becoming more and more important in the hi-tech modern world of today. Thankfully digital storage is getting cheaper but one aspect that is often forgotten is securing such storage devices so that they will be safe from fire, water, and theft. Often times digital media has a greater actual and sentimental value than many traditional valuables. Additionally, digital media is usually much more sensitive than the typical mainstays of home safes and necessitates special care from heat and humidity. Here we’ll look at some of the basic options that are available for securing your digital data and why it's important.
Owning a decent padlock might just be one of the best investments you make. There’s a ton of great applications for a good padlock and if you shop smartly you can cut out some of the inherent weaknesses found in cheaper models. There’s even times when you’ll find yourself having to secure thousands of dollars of good behind a padlock (i.e. storage containers or a nice bicycle) so it might just be a good idea to do some research and get the most out of your money. So, here we’ll look at just what it takes to make a strong padlock and what to look for when shopping around.
This is another common question we hear at Safe & Vault Store. The short answer is that there are gun safes, and cash boxes, built for storing guns and cash respectively. There are also vaults for storing large items. Beyond that, safes are versatile and can be used to protect any valuables you care to mention. 
Biometric locking mechanisms are quickly becoming a favorite for gun and gun safe owners. There are numerous perks to this kind of locking mechanism that really outshine the competition for your home gun safe. The main perk is the quick and easy access that can be granted with a fingerprint scanning lock. This kind of locking mechanism is best suited for gun owners that keep their firearm in a safe for purposes of home security. Biometric locking mechanisms can be outfitted on any kind of safe; and are even in recent years being used for laptop computers and automobiles.
Are you a seasoned collector of guitars and other musical instruments? Are you wondering how to keep your instruments in top condition? 
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When it comes to valuable substances you might be surprised to know that there’s a long list above gold and even a few materials valued over diamonds in terms of its value to weight ratio. Though many of the world’s most valuable substances are gems and precious metals there are also a few unique substances in the higher echelons with medical or scientific applications or even foods. Here we’ll look at some of the world’s most valuable substances and you might even find yourself reconsidering how you stock your safe



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It continually amazes me that after over 20 years in the security business, people visit our store and tell us that they have been burglarized for the third time. Call it bad luck but it keeps us in business. Seth Godin recently wrote an article about "Helping Your Customers Avoid Taking Responsibility." Within the article Seth writes about how society would rather blame someone or something for their bad luck. It seems logical to me that we'd rather push the responsibility elsewhere instead of looking in the mirror and admitting that there's no one to blame but ourselves. Book a family trip to a tropical location in hurricane season and if the weather is lousy, blame the weather gods.  
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