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Expert Advice on Safes and Vault Doors

News about the state of the economy has more people looking at gold as an investment. While we cannot say whether this is a good idea or not, there will be more people looking for a safe harbor for their investments.  
With a rapidly globalizing world and fewer borders than ever, many people may find themselves frequently traveling for both business and pleasure. An altogether too common complaint and a frequent downer for travelers is theft of personal belongings. Whether for business or pleasure and depending on where you’re traveling you may exude an attractive level of wealth that might make you a target to potential thieves. At times it can be quite difficult to keep your valuables safe in another country without burdening yourself with the heavy equipment you’d like to have. Fortunately, there are some unique portable ‘safes’ available that can give you some additional security and help to protect your belongings while abroad.
  • 3 min read
Guns and children are certainly not the most savory of combinations. This is one of the reasons we buy gun safes. In fact, many states will require guns to be stored in locked containers when children (under 18) are present in the household. 
Roughly 20% of American households suffer a home property crime each year. Unfortunately for the unlucky few, some of these home invasions occur while the home is occupied. If this happened to you would you know what to do? Are you prepared to defend your home and family if someone discovers you are home and becomes violent? Don’t live your life in panic, and if guns aren’t your thing there are several options available to you.
With the high price of childcare today, many men and woman are opting to stay home and take care of their children instead of going to work. This means that there is an increased number of part-time, small business owners as these moms and dads struggle to support their families. So, the question is, does a Stay at Home Mom or Dad need a home safe? Yes! An astounding yes!
  • 2 min read
You have worked hard to build up your business and earn a profit. That is not an easy task and you want to protect those earnings as best you can. Because of this, the safety of your assets is a high priority for you and your business. 
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The Mesa Safe brand was developed by George L. Vicente in the early '80s, and since then it has evolved into one of the most reputable names in the gun safe industry. Vicente started his career at the young age of 16 working for a locksmith. He went on to develop the reliable and reputable Mesa Safe brand. Now, Mesa Safes are known for their durability, longevity, and overall protection.
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Safely handling large amounts of money is one of the potentially most risky activities in modern business. Keeping cash in an unsecured till shows a green light to any potential thief, and having to open and close your safe every time you want to deposit cash also leaves you vulnerable and is inconvenient. 
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