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Expert Advice on Safes and Vault Doors

There's nothing more exciting as a start-up business than owning your first official property. But now that you own your own business, it's critical to keep it safe. According to the FBI, a burglary occurs in the U.S. every 15.4 seconds.


When you think of the word “mailbox,” your mind most likely goes straight to the street-situated mailboxes in which you receive 90% junk mail, 2% letters from friends and family during the holidays, and 8% small packages. However, we are also willing to bet that you have no security on that mailbox, either. You might be wondering at this point: “Why are you mentioning this? We don’t seriously need security on the mailbox. That’s so pointless!”
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Laptop safes and car safes are fast becoming a necessity in the fight to protect against identity theft. Recent studies show that even though consumers are becoming more aware of how to protect themselves from online identity theft and fraud, offline theft is still the biggest source of data and personal information loss in America.
The Protex HD-34 is a nice middle of the road burglar fire safe with a myriad of different potential purposes. It has a perfect balance of price, security, fire resistance, and size that makes it a nice catch-all for someone seeking a basic but reliable safe. This safe could be used effectively for either home or the workplace and though it’s not ‘top of the line’ safe it is still formidable and nothing to be trifled with. Here we’ll look at some of the specifics and what exactly this safe has to offer. 
When your firearm isn't secure, you run the risk of a home intruder using your firearm against you. For this reason, it's perhaps just as important to choose the right gun safe as it is to choose the right gun.
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When it comes to security, there’s nothing more formidable than an in-floor safe. Discrete, easy to conceal, sturdy, and nearly impossible to move once it's in the concrete, an in-floor safe is a fantastic way to keep your most precious valuables safe for years to come. This week, our featured safe is the Hayman FS4000B Polyethylene In-Floor Safe, a sturdy in-floor safe that promises bulk, security, and outstanding performance.
How do you keep your gun safe accessible in the event of emergency, but away from the reach of a determined child or teenager? It’s harder than one might think, but this is a riddle that responsible, gun owners with families must tackle. The answer is to use the right equipment.
Obtaining a floor safe for your business is a good sound decision. It can provide maximum security for your valuables in the case of burglary or fire. It is out of sight, very hard to remove from the premises, and being in the floor it is not susceptible to flames.
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