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Expert Advice on Safes and Vault Doors

Buying the right gun safe can be challenging when you're not sure where to start. To help you out, we've compiled the top four most frequently asked questions about gun safes and answered them.
Underwriters Laboratory (U.L) is a product safety testing and certification organization that develops standards for many products, materials, components, assemblies, tools and equipment. 
Hi, Dye the Safe Guy, Dye Hawley Sales Manager here with Safe & Vault Store.com. I am here today to talk about the signature series burglar fire safe for American Security. This is their BF Series line. This little guy here is the BF1512, the very beginning of their line. It has 1.35 cubic feet on the interior. It also has an RSC burglar rating which is clearly noted on the door by Underwriters Lab. It also has a 1 hour UL Underwriters Lab fire rating.
