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Expert Advice on Safes and Vault Doors

Dye Hawley Sales Manager at SafeandVaultStore.com shares our 5 top selling burglar fire safes in the past 14+ years.

Dorm rooms are typically not the most secure places for your valuable items. Items such as laptops, wallets, keys, passports, cash, jewelry, cell phones, tablets, and even cameras are all vulnerable to theft.

Why should you plan for a power outage? Because it’s sooner than you think! Imagine a life without power. I wonder if you can. No lights to illuminate your house, roads, hospitals, offices, basically everywhere.

Think your valuables are secure in a safe deposit box stored in a vault at a trusted facility? Think again.
There is no doubt that everyone has something of value. What those things are is completely dependent upon the person’s values. Some things like cash and jewels have an obvious universal value but how important those are to the person, depends on many variables such as what other assets they own. 
This video "Safe Anchoring System demo" shows the importance of the need to bolt your safe to a solid surface. In the video, a safe is bolted to a concrete pad. A forklift is being used to hit the safe and try and dislodge it from the ground. You can see that with a safe bolted correctly, even a heavy-duty forklift cannot remove it from the ground.
Safecracking is one of the oldest “professionals” in fact, 100 years ago Safecrackers were known as Yeggmen who made their living by traveling by railroad breaking into small-town businesses and post offices where they cracked open safes to steal cash, stamps and other valuables.
Hello, Dye the Safe Guy, Dye Hawley here with Safe & Vault Store to talk about the AMSEC CSC1913 Burglar Fire Safe. This is a great economic safe, it's part of their economic line. They have been selling this safe for well over 10 years. 
Hi, Dye the Safe Guy here, Dye Hawley sales manager at Safe & Vault Store.com to talk to you today about the Gardall Z-2218 Burglar & Fire Safe. This is a great safe for businesses. It can be used for homes as well but primarily it is designed for business use.
Hi, Dye the Safe Guy here, Dye Hawley sales manager for Safe & Vault Store.com. I am here today to talk about the Hayman DV-3019 Burglar Fire Safe. This safe comes with a dial combination lock as a standard feature. It's the Sargent and Greenleaf lock with key locking dial. You can also order a digital lock for an added cost.
Underwriters Laboratory (U.L) is a product safety testing and certification organization that develops standards for many products, materials, components, assemblies, tools and equipment. 
