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Drop Safes

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Drop Safes

What Are Drop Safes and Why Do You Need Them?

If you run a bustling retail shop or a successful restaurant, you’ll know that many of your business transactions involve cash. You’ll likely have sensitive documents to deal with, as well, which may cover anything from employee tax information to passports.

In order to ensure that those payments and documents remain in your possession and away from potential thieves, you’ll need to devise a safe and secure storage solution.

But not just any lockbox or storage container will do. After all, these storage solutions -- thought convenient and affordable -- can easily be tampered with. As a result, many business owners rely on cash drop safes to ensure that money and documentation will be kept far away from prying eyes and criminal mischief. These safes are a viable and in-demand solution for all kinds of business owners, promoting increased peace of mind and superior protection.

What Are Drop Safes?

When evaluating potential secure storage solutions, you’ll need to understand what makes drop safes unique. Drop safes are surprisingly simple in terms of their design, with a slot or drawer made for deposits. You can think of them like a U.S. Postal Service collection box, in that they have an area meant for easy drop-offs but a reservoir (in this case, the safe portion) that won’t be accessible to anyone without a security code or key. This means that employees can easily place deposits within the safe without anyone being able to steal anything from inside.

Not only do drop safes often come with dual-locking mechanisms, making them more difficult to penetrate, but there are other measures of protection featured in their designs, as well. It’s virtually impossible to “fish” deposits back out of the slot once they’ve been made, for one thing. Drop safes are typically bolted down to the floor as well, making it impossible for a criminal to steal the entire unit to break into off-site. Drop safes can also be installed in a number of locations, including offices and cash register areas. In other words, they’re a highly versatile option for any number of industries.

Why Are Drop Safes Necessary?

When you run a business, you deserve to feel secure in the knowledge that valuable documents and cash deposits are kept in a truly safe location. Rather than rely on inferior alternatives, drop safes will provide the features necessary for organizations to keep operations running smoothly without unnecessary risks. As with all high quality safes on the market, there are options to suit any budget or priority.

Ready to learn more about our available drop safes and how they can protect your financial transactions or other sensitive material? We’re here to help. Call 800-207-2259 or Contact us today for further information.
