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Expert Advice on Safes and Vault Doors

Are Burglary Fire Safes Better Than Burglary Safes? This question is very hard to answer at first glance. The only way this question can be properly answered is by greatly examining both safes.
Should it be theft-proof? Fire-resistant? How large should it be? Almost any type of safe can protect your important documents and other valuable items from most threats, but there are real differences between different types of safes when it comes to security. 
Today's business owners and managers must be vigilant in the way in which they handle the cash they receive from sales transactions in order to avoid costly mistakes.
A news article from the University of Florida shows that employee theft tops the list of what businesses call "inventory shrinkage." Employee theft beat out shoplifting as the primary reason for business inventory losses. It goes on to state that businesses lose nearly $26 billion each year due to inventory shrinkage.
Some hotels and resorts don’t offer safe deposit boxes behind the front desk anymore because they have in-room safes for their guests. But some guests prefer to store their valuables, such as jewelry, wallets, or passports in a deposit box that is in a secure area. 
We have expert safe builders who know all the tricks of the trade, ready to create the ultimate safe just for you. Whether you need an odd size or you want extra fire protection, we can do something for you.
A safe is a wonderful piece of machinery that guarantees some peace of mind. If you are on the fence about whether or not you need a safe, I wanted to give you some idea of things that are often kept in safes—both in burglar safes and in fire safes.
Do you own a hotel? Are you concerned about the safety and security of your guests? I really must say Thank You for being a good business owner. It’s always so nice when people take care of you, especially hotel owners because there is nothing better than a great getaway in a great hotel, and nothing worse than staying in an awful hotel and wishing you were home with your family.
Storing digital media is quickly becoming more and more important in the hi-tech modern world of today. Thankfully digital storage is getting cheaper but one aspect that is often forgotten is securing such storage devices so that they will be safe from fire, water, and theft. Often times digital media has a greater actual and sentimental value than many traditional valuables. Additionally, digital media is usually much more sensitive than the typical mainstays of home safes and necessitates special care from heat and humidity. Here we’ll look at some of the basic options that are available for securing your digital data and why it's important.
