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Expert Advice on Safes and Vault Doors

Hi, Dye Hawley here, Dye the Safe Guy to talk about high security safes. But first a little background. Before modern day safes, all they had was steel plate safes with a 1" steel door here and 1" of steel in the body, they were rated by Underwriters Laboratory TL-15. Higher rated safes, TL-30, have a 1 1/2" steel plate in the door and 1" in the body. 
Hi, Dye the Safe Guy, Dye Hawley Sales Manager here with Safe & Vault I am here today to talk about the signature series burglar fire safe for American Security. This is their BF Series line. This little guy here is the BF1512, the very beginning of their line. It has 1.35 cubic feet on the interior. It also has an RSC burglar rating which is clearly noted on the door by Underwriters Lab. It also has a 1 hour UL Underwriters Lab fire rating.
Hi, Dye the Safe Guy here, Dye Hawley today to talk about the Gardall BGF-6024 Gun Safe. The Gardall BGF-6024 is 59" tall, it is 24" wide and 22" deep. Gardall makes an entire line all the way up to a 72" high by 42" wide gun safe. These gun safes come standard with a Sargent & Greenleaf spyproof dial lock. It also has a key locking dial. You can also get it in chrome or brass hardware. Gardall offers an upgrade to a Sargent & Greenleaf digital electronic lock.
Hi, Dye the Safe Guy, Dye Hawley Sales Manager for Safe & Vault Store. Here today to talk about the Vaultek VT20i. This is a fantastic product. It weighs 7.5 pounds. As you can see it has a door that opens up to the back. It's spring loaded. The other feature about this that I really like is it has a not only a biometric lock as you can see me operating here, it also has a keypad to backup the biometric lock. And if all else fails, there is a key override right here as you can see.
Dye the Safe guy here, Dye Hawley, manager of Safe & Vault I am here today to talk about the Browning SR26 Silver Series Gun Safe
Hi, Dye Hawley here, manager of Safe & Vault - here today to talk about the Hayman WS-7 Heavy Duty Wall Safe
Did you know we have a YouTube Channel devoted to teaching you all about the latest safes on the market, the newest security measures, and for answering all of your burning questions? Well…we do! Dye the Safe Guy has been providing you with some great videos for several years now. Whether you know quite a lot about safes and are looking to add to your home or office security or if you are just now doing research for a safe as a first-time buyer, he has some great information for you! He not only checks out the latest models that have come into the warehouse but also talks about the advantages of different types of home or office safes. If you have a question, let us know and we’ll see if we can’t get Dye to answer your question via YouTube!
