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Expert Advice on Safes and Vault Doors

Hi, I'm Dye The Safe Guy, manager of here today to talk about the AMSEC BF6030.
Buying your first fireproof safe can be a fun and enlightening endeavor. There is a multitude of options to choose from and countless ways to customize your safe to perfectly suit your needs. 
Today's small business owners and managers often underestimate the need for a depository safe since they do not feel as though they are dealing daily with a large amount of cash funds. 
Hi, Dye the Safe Guy, Dye Hawley Sales Manager here with Safe & Vault I am here today to talk about the signature series burglar fire safe for American Security. This is their BF Series line. This little guy here is the BF1512, the very beginning of their line. It has 1.35 cubic feet on the interior. It also has an RSC burglar rating which is clearly noted on the door by Underwriters Lab. It also has a 1 hour UL Underwriters Lab fire rating.
A big part of being a responsible gun owner is keeping your weapons safe. Handguns, in particular, can be very deadly in the wrong hands. In this article, we’ll cover some tips for handgun security. 
The Semacon can count 450 coins per minute! That’s 27,000 coins per hour. In quarters, that's $6,750! Now I know that most people who will purchase the Semacon Coin Sorter will be highly practical human beings who want to use it for highly practical reasons, but for me there is something about the cool-factor of this thing that will never cease to amaze me.

Cash counters are a cornerstone of any high cash flow business. They have the ability to reduce man hours spent counting, reduce human error, and even detect counterfeit bills. These are truly unique machines. Have you ever wondered how it is a cash counting machine can tell the difference between a $10 and $20 dollar bill? Also, just how accurate are these machines? Here we’ll look into some of the basic functions and abilities of cash counting machines.
