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Expert Advice on Safes and Vault Doors

Hi, Dye the Safe Guy here, Dye Hawley sales manager at Safe & Vault to talk to you today about the Gardall Z-2218 Burglar & Fire Safe. This is a great safe for businesses. It can be used for homes as well but primarily it is designed for business use.
Maybe you work in an office where you help maintain the computer systems? Maybe you work at a company that specializes in computers and IT? Maybe you are an independent consultant who is called in by multi-nationals to set up computer technology?
  • 2 min read

What can you do to ensure your gun safe is secure without securing it with bolts? Consider the following rental-friendly ways you can help keep your safe secure in your apartment without angering your landlord.

Hi, Dye the Safe Guy, Dye Hawley Sales Manager here with Safe & Vault I am here today to talk about the signature series burglar fire safe for American Security. This is their BF Series line. This little guy here is the BF1512, the very beginning of their line. It has 1.35 cubic feet on the interior. It also has an RSC burglar rating which is clearly noted on the door by Underwriters Lab. It also has a 1 hour UL Underwriters Lab fire rating.
Safely handling large amounts of money is one of the potentially most risky activities in modern business. Keeping cash in an unsecured till shows a green light to any potential thief, and having to open and close your safe every time you want to deposit cash also leaves you vulnerable and is inconvenient. 
When it comes to security, there’s nothing more formidable than an in-floor safe. Discrete, easy to conceal, sturdy, and nearly impossible to move once it's in the concrete, an in-floor safe is a fantastic way to keep your most precious valuables safe for years to come. This week, our featured safe is the Hayman FS4000B Polyethylene In-Floor Safe, a sturdy in-floor safe that promises bulk, security, and outstanding performance.
Obtaining a floor safe for your business is a good sound decision. It can provide maximum security for your valuables in the case of burglary or fire. It is out of sight, very hard to remove from the premises, and being in the floor it is not susceptible to flames.

Here we’ll look at how to shop for a used safe and what you need to be looking for to make sure that you can get the most out of your deal and have a high quality safe at a discount price.

No matter where you live there’s bound to be some humidity inside your safe that has the potential to ruin your valuables if left unchecked.  
  • 2 min read
